Data Digitization & Analytics

Case Study : Retail

KYC : Document Verification


Aaruni implemented a solution to enable Customer on-boarding and KYC document verification to avail loans and to process the loan application for a well-known Indian NBFC (non-banking finance corporation) in their branches across India.
Business Analysis revealed

  • Mid-market client
  • Retail Loan Products 
  • 300 branches


The client faced the challenge of handling huge volume of applications and manual validation became tedious and error-prone. Limited availability of operations team resulting in continuous backlogs and there was an increasing challenge of mounting compliance risks, deviation from SOPs and dissatisfied customers due to lengthy processing duration.
Team Aaruni reviewed

  • Innovation Culture 
  • Process maturity
  • Comittment to Automation 
  • Data security & Access compliance


Considering 22 use cases, we deployed hybrid solution combining document ditization solution, Sattva and Fraud Risk Management solution, Maya. We successfully integrated AI/ML, Data Analytics, Computer Vision & RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to deliver seemless end-user experience elliminating manual data entry & automating document verification operation completely. We try run solution for 90 days to  quality assure error free operation. Technology Stack deployed

  • React.js
  • Spring Boot
  • MongoDB
  • Python
  • UI Path
  • Open CV
  • Kubernet
  • AWS

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