Digital Product development

We apply Digital Product Management Thinking by integrating analytical, business model, coordination and Design thinking skills  

Obsessed with a product idea? Let's talk!

    Product Management enabled DX (Digital Transformation)

    The growing importance of data in decision making, an increased customer and design focus, and the evolution of software-development methodologies has lead to increased complexity in digital product development practices. Our team not only own the decisions about what gets built but also influence every aspect of how it gets built and launched. We take into consideration the changes in technology, development methodologies, and the ways in which consumers make purchases. The success of our products are measured across a broader set of metrics such as engagement, retention, conversion, and so on. 

    Benefits of Mindful Digital Product Development

    Our modern digital product management approach bind many functions that impact a product, such as engineering, design, customer success, sales, marketing, operations,  finance, legal, social and cultural aspects.

    Increased speed and quality

    We apply DevOps to remove silos within organization to gain broader cross-functional insights and arrive at robust product.

    "API as Product" view

    This approach helps us deliver every changing expectations of new features, frequent improvements, and upgrades after purchase.

    Own Ecosystem & Partnerships

    We spend at least 1/3 of time on engaging with customers, developers and the partner ecosystems which help us create mock-ups and leverage frameworks and APIs to quickly prototype a product or feature.

    Frequent Feedback & iterations

    We opeate on two parallel speeds: We plan the daily or weekly feature releases, as well as the product road map for the next six to 24 months helps feature bundles, pricing tiers, dynamic pricing, up-sell paths, and pricing strategy.

    Digital Product development services

    Aaruni offers a unique product management capabilities in six areas: a grounding in customer experience, market orientation, business acumen, technical skills, soft skills, and the presence of organizational enablers.

    POC (Proof of concept) development

    Are you looking for seed fund, validate the idea (technically), share knowledge (with team) or assess project or the features’ success? POC helps to help check the viability of the idea and pivote idea based upon how their audience reacts.

    Prototype development

    Do you want to demo visualization of how the app would function with instant look and feel, within limited budget and tech capabilities? Prototyping helps test the idea within the internal stakeholders such as business units, deparments groups etc.

    MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development

    Do you want to demo a bug free, working app to target customers to know market perception to improvise the application and make money from it? At MVP stage, you gain confidence in your concept, achieve speedy development with minimum investment risk.

    SaaS / PaaS Product development

    Do you have an idea or concept that passes 3 tests 1] Problem solution fitment, 2] Product market fitment & 3] Business model fitment (size of opportunity)? Let's connect and talk. We offer unique perspective that guarantee your product launch a grand success.

    Our Digital Product development process

    More companies outside of the technology sector set out to build software capabilities for success in the digital era. We help you monetize treasure troves of internal and external data to make every product decision.

    1. POC Development

    We offer set of documents (concept note, case study etc.) or basic level software used to check the workability of an idea.

    2. Prototype development

    We offer the clickable version software (UX design and look of the product) that give stakeholders peek into how the user would move inside an application.

    3. MVP development

    We offer a functional app that comes loaded with the prime features that best represent the application. MVP helps gain continuous user feedback leading to CVP development.

    4. CVP (Commercial Viable Product) Development

    Agile digital product development that is driven by Product roadmap, GTM (Go to market strategy) and business model to deliver intended finaical success.

    Customer success stories

    Fixed Asset Management (SaaS)

    The purpose of SaaS solution is manage organization fixed assets easily & effectively throughout its Life Cycle from Acquisition to  Disposal. Also track critical events Insurance, Warranties etc.

    Team Aaruni successfully delivered SaaS solution hosted in cloud meeting modern user experience and technology stack expecations. FAM SaaS successfully replaced legacy desktop app. Simple and easy to use User Experience powered by Material UI  that needs no or minimum learning.

    Technology Stack : React.js,  Android, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Material UI.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The primary difference between a prototype and an MVP is that the latter is a ready to publish publicly version of an application, while the former is more of a version that is there to test the idea within the internal stakeholders of a company.

    Proof of concept vs Prototype is a comparison of two very different concepts. While POC is merely a set of documents or basic level software used to check the workability of an idea, Prototype is the clickable version software that give stakeholders peek into how the user would move inside an application. 

    POC vs MVP is a comparison between a concept and an application that is ready to be published in the stores. While the intent between both the concept is the same – to validate an app idea, the stages in which they make an appearance are very different. 

    A proof of concept methodology is the first stage of idea validation – a stage where a small project is implemented for verifying if a concept can be implemented on the technical capability and business model grounds. 

    Minimum Viable Product approach, on the other hand, is a functional app that comes loaded with the prime features that best represent the application. This is the major difference between POC and MVP.

    There are different instances where the MVP development method makes more sense compared to creation of POC or Prototype:

    • When you have to show the customers a working application
    • When you have to make money out of your app
    • When you need a bug-free app ready to be used by the world
    • When you need higher retention at low cost
    • When you wish to know the market perception to improvise the application

    Here’s what our clients say

    TechZion IT Solutions Inc. USA

    Your support helped acquire new clients leading to jump in revenue from US market. Thank you!

    DISH Network India

    Thank you so much for supporting us in our critical milestones.

      Why choose Aaruni?

      Get the Full Idea of How We Can Help You
      Here we explain how your business benefits from our services.

        Your Business model is the key

        We offer clarity of vision, target market, consumer behaviour
        2 We offer clarity of business value (product & Services), business model and business goals
        We offer clarity of functional strategies & Systems
        We help provide clarity of roles, competency & culture

        Product development approach

        Because 84% of software never delivered to production in last 6 decades
        Because 60% of Software development efforts wasted in programming
        Because 76% software never participate in design phase
        Because Maintenance and support efforts involves new feature development than bug fixes & Change Requests

        Outcome, milestone based delivery

        Offers the result based engagement
        Offers deeper integration with business team & workflows
        Helps in new product development & innovation
        Helps delight customer with stronger contribution to business growth

        Quality & User experience is our priority

        We focus on financial and non-financial benefit realization from software
        We help every end-users and stakeholder own their goals & roles for successul training, adoption of software
        We educate on business value of technology to empower end-users
        We offer visualization of data and content for everybody is on same page

        We have delivered


        Industry/SaaS Software




        Smart Reports


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